Second opinion services

When you’re uncertain about a medical diagnosis or the appropriate treatment, you and your covered dependents (and also your parents and parents-in-law) can access second opinion services through Paramount and Expert Medical Opinion.

Expert Medical Opinion


Through this service, you would have access to some of the best doctors across the country. Get answers from a doctor to basic questions about a diagnosis or treatment options. No more wondering what steps to take or relying on Internet searches. Instead, get a personalized response for your situation from a qualified doctor.

Participation is completely voluntary and confidential and you can use this service for yourself or for any of your family members. This is an employee paid service.

Why should I get a second opinion?

An expert opinion allows you to access the expertise and clinical guidance of world class physicians remotely from your home.

What do I get?

  • The expert opinion process takes an average of 48 hours.
  • Preliminary case review by a physician.
  • 24/7 physician support team.
  • Detailed written opinion.

How do I access second opinion services?

  1. Email with “Second Opinion” in the subject line.
  2. Within the email, include your name, employee ID, phone number, and medical concern. Attach any relevant medical records.
  3. You will receive a response from a doctor within 48 hours. If needed, you will be referred to a nearby hospital for an in-person consultation.

Expert Medical Opinion

Expert Medical Opinion is offered at no cost to you as part of your Intuit benefits. Participation is completely voluntary and confidential, and you do not need an appointment.

How it works

Expert Medical Opinion is a good option when you want to:

1. Get advice on your medical condition

2. Ask the expert

Get answers from a doctor to basic questions about a diagnosis or treatment options. No more wondering what steps to take or relying on Internet searches. Instead, get a personalized response for your situation from a qualified doctor.

Where to get help

Visit website
Mr. Bhanukumar 8725965661 or by email
Mr. Jithendra Kumar 8655953534 or by email
For program details, please contact HR Connect.

Expert Medical Opinion
0034 917697803

HR Connect
Extension 13333
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